A Bloom filter is a set data structure for answering the question "Is this thing in the set?" It has two basic operations:
- BloomFilter.add(x) adds x to the set.
- BloomFilter.has(x) returns either false, if x is definitely not in the set, or true if x is probably in the set.
Notice that a Bloom filter can't tell you that something is definitely an element of the set. There is always a possibility that it will return true for something that actually isn't in the set. This false positive rate can be made arbitrarily low, but it will always be there.
In exchange for this small probability of false positives, a Bloom filter can be much smaller than storing the set itself. For example, suppose you want to store a set of a million email addresses, and each one is 16 bytes long, on average. That's 16 MB of strings, right there. If you're willing to accept a 0.1% false positive rate, though, you can make a Bloom filter for those email addresses that's only 1.8 MB! The space savings are even bigger if you're not too picky about the false positive rates.
There are all sorts of clever things you can do with such a splendidly space-efficient set data structure, but I won't go into them here. Instead, let's just talk about how to make one.
A Bloom filter, internally, is just an array of bits. They start out as all zeros. Here's a picture of a really small Bloom filter, which will start out empty:

Let's add the strings "hello" and "world" to it. To add an item to a Bloom filter, we need several different hash values for it. For our little toy example here, let's say we have three hash functions, creatively named hash1(x), hash2(x), and hash3(x). If we hash "hello" with these functions, we get some numbers; let's say 1, 9, and 12. We can think of this as like a fingerprint for "hello"; to add "hello" to the Bloom filter, we set bits number 1, 9, and 12 of the Bloom filter to 1.

We combine these fingerprints with a bitwise OR to get the Bloom filter containing "hello" and "world":

So, that's how we add to a Bloom filter. How do we look things up?
We know that if some key has been added to a Bloom filter, then all the bits of its fingerprint will be 1. So we hash the key, and look at the corresponding bits of the Bloom filter. If they're all 1, then we say that the key is probably in the set. If any of them is 0, then we know for sure that the key is not in the set.
Let's code this up!
First, we need a way to get several independent hash values for a key. This method is not mathematically ideal, but this is toy code, and it's short:Does it work? Let's give it a try, generating 15 hashes of "rage nostrils" modulo 10:
>>> hashes('rage nostrils', 15, 10)
[2, 7, 1, 6, 0, 7, 7, 6, 1, 4, 2, 5, 9, 8, 4]
It works! Now let's code up the most breathtakingly inefficient Bloom filter implementation ever:
You can try it out at home, maybe have a look at that array of bits after adding a few things to the Bloom filter. Here's how I played with it:
Where to go from here
If you want to use Bloom filters for something, there are libraries for it. In Python, PyBloom just works. It's not the fastest, but if you're using Python, you probably don't care. For Java and other JVM languages, there's the simple java-bloomfilter, or the more featureful greplin-bloom-filter. Haskell has the excellent bloomfilter library, written by one of the authors of the chapter on writing Bloom filters in Real World Haskell. Most other languages have something, if you google for it.And that's it, really. There are a lot of fancy things you can do with Bloom filters, and a lot of terribly clever things you can do to make them faster or more compact, but the basic theory of operations is really, really simple.